Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Michael Smith
1969 - 2020
Sharie lit a candle
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Sincere condolences to All Mike's Families, definitely a face, a voice, an all around a Fun loving soul who will be missed by many.
May all your loving happy memories help you threw this time.
Also Sherry and kids condolences on the passing of your Grandma.
Sincerely ,
George Gibbons
Sharie Edwards
Ron butler lit a candle
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My condolences to the family I worked with Mike and his father at Norfolk disposal many years ago I also helped train Mike to upgrade his license was very sorry to hear about this
C. SHANTZ posted a condolence
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Dear Alesha, Michelle, Sherry, and families.
Thinking of you all at this time. Hope it gets easier in the weeks to come.
Mrs. Shantz (PDCS).
Dianne Telfer pledged to donate to Port Dover Harbour Museum
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Sincere sympathy to all the family. Mike will be greatly missed in our community Dianne Evans Telfer
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Anthony lit a candle
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Kasia and i are heart broken were still in disbelief ive known mike for a number of years. We were fast buddys he was always smiling and joking with me i miss him so much RIP mike you will always be in my memories and heart. Our deepest condolences to the whole family.
Molly Easton-Koshman lit a candle
Monday, March 30, 2020

My condolences to Alesha & family, the Smith family, the Ottley family, and to Sherry, Grace & Evan. Please know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers, as you go through this terribly tragedy!!
Kathy Wood posted a condolence
Monday, March 30, 2020
Sherry, Grace and Evan. Time. Time to Grieve. Time to Cry. Time to Remember. Time to Laugh. Time to Cry and Laugh at the same time. Time to Heal. Time to Remember, All the Best things. Time to Reflect. Time to be Angry for the short time you had. Time to be Grateful for the Time you had. Time to Remember. Time to Heal. Time to Remember the Love, the Life. Time to Remember Michael.
Sending Love, Prayers and Healing. Kathy Wood and Family.
Trevor Meade posted a condolence
Monday, March 30, 2020
My deepest sympathy to the entire family . Lost contact over the years but always valued his friendship . One memory i have is you could always find Mike sun tanning in the bottom of Powell park always a smile and Hair down to his waste . The hair all woman always wanted . Remember one day hair to his waste then next day shaved to skin no one could believe it at the time .Will be missed by many and loved by all. Rest in piece smeet
brenda.hutchins@sympatico.ca posted a condolence
Monday, March 30, 2020
Sincere sympathy to Sherry and her family during this time. Many thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Brenda Y Hutchins (nee Gifford) and family.
The family of Michael Smith uploaded a photo
Monday, March 30, 2020

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